
Currently, as a full-time developer at Worksome, I tend to spend most of my time working on internal proprietary projects as well as company open source packages.

Alongside this, I also work on the following open source projects:

Laravel Zero

Laravel Zero is a lightweight framework for command line tools, built on top of the Laravel components.

See the Laravel Zero topic for more information.

tldr pages

tldr pages is a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages.


Pest is an elegant PHP testing framework built on top of PHPUnit.

See the Pest topic for more information.

Web3 PHP

A collection of PHP libraries for interacting with Web3.
See the Web3 topic for more information.

Oh Dear CLI

The official Oh Dear CLI is a command-line tool for managing your sites on Oh Dear.

See the Oh Dear CLI topic for more information.

Laravel XDG

A Laravel adapter for the XDG Base Directory specification.

Laravel Arionum

Laravel Arionum is a PHP wrapper for the Arionum cryptocurrency API.

Other repositories

I also contribute various PHP and JavaScript packages which can be found on my GitHub.

Homebrew Tap

A custom tap for the Brew package manager.

Scoop Bucket

A custom bucket for the Scoop package manager.